Disaster Risk Reduction

PHASE Nepal’s objectives  under the theme of emergency Relief, Recovery and Reconstruction are:

  • To assist disaster  affected communities in recovery and reconstruction after the devastating earthquakes of April and May 2015.
  • To support the community to develop relatively safer and sustainable water supply infrastructures.
  • To support in the refurbishment of the community properties.

Disaster Risk Management
Since the earthquake in 2015 and subsequent aftershocks, PHASE Nepal has been engaged in recovery, rebuilding, and rehabilitation efforts in several of the most affected districts in Nepal. These projects include the construction of schools, community buildings (which can function as emergency shelters), trails, clinics, and homes in hard-hit areas. Our objectives are to assist the affected communities in recovery and reconstruction, including supporting infrastructure rebuilding and the refurbishment of community properties, and building resilience through activities like income generation. In the below diagram our work has mainly fallen into the “Recovery” part of the cycle, although our work has touched on all sections.

As well as earthquakes, Nepal is vulnerable to a variety of disasters. Since its foundation in 2006, PHASE Nepal has responded to a range of other emergency incidents, including epidemics, floods, landslides, and fires. Following these kinds of incidents, PHASE Nepal does Emergency Operation Planning to ensure we work closely with the government and other stakeholders in Nepal. This is essential to ensuring that victims are being reached and to avoid duplication and inefficiency of resources

Emergency Operations Planning

Nepal is vulnerable to a variety of disasters. Since its foundation in 2006, PHASE Nepal has responded to a range of emergency incidents, including earthquakes, epidemics, floods, landslides, and fires. Some of these situations have resulted in personal injury, loss of life and property damage. Following these kinds of incidents, PHASE works closely with the Government of Nepal , local governments, and other NGOs to ensure that victims are being reached and to avoid duplication and inefficiency of resources.

PHASE Nepal’s organizational Emergency Operations Plan  provides the organized management system for PHASE to follow during emergencies. It is designed as a flexible system in which part or all of the Emergency Operations Plan  may be activated, as appropriate to the situation. The Emergency Operations Plan  provides an organizational structure and procedures for the management of information, activities, and operations during an emergency. The Emergency Operations Plan  follows the format outlined by the Incident Command System , an internationally used framework for designating leadership and accountability in emergency situations, and is consistent with the principles of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction . The policies, procedures, and guidelines in this document enable PHASE Nepal to respond to emergencies in a way that minimizes their impact and duration. The Emergency Operations Plan’s objectives are:

Clear definition of roles and responsibilities for PHASE leadership and organizational sections under emergency circumstances

To protect the lives and personal safety for PHASE staff

To protect the lives and personal safety for people living in PHASE project areas, particularly populations that are vulnerable due to gender, caste, age, income, or disability

Speedy containment of hazards (when applicable)

Recovery and continuity of PHASE programs and projects

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