Annual Report 2022 – 2023
In 2022-2023, PHASE Nepal continued its mission to improve the lives of vulnerable communities, focusing on health, disability support, and economic empowerment. Our community health initiatives provided essential services, including medical care, safe deliveries, family planning, and health outreach, while also supporting government immunization programs and healthcare rights. We expanded support for persons with disabilities, offering counseling, physiotherapy, and assistive devices, while advocating for independent living and disability rights. Livelihood programs provided vocational training and business support, helping vulnerable groups establish sustainable income sources. Despite challenges such as geographical barriers and climate-related crises, we adapted by strengthening local partnerships and utilizing technology. Looking ahead, we remain committed to advancing inclusive development, health services, and economic opportunities for marginalized communities across Nepal
Annual Report 2021 – 2022
Even during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021/22, PHASE Nepal continued to offer essential services to underserved communities in Mugu, Humla, Bajura, Gorkha, and Sindhupalchok. In addition, it supported persons with disabilities in the regions of Morang, Makwanpur, and Kailali districts.
We reached out to the communities with primary healthcare services, essential maternal and child care, nutrition support with livelihood opportunities, and other supports including education, reconstruction where needed, and research projects to make sure our interventions are effective. Here is a summary of our work to promote reach for essential and primary health care, sustainable livelihood for the Himalayan communities.
Annual Report 2020 – 2021
PHASE Nepal believes that poor health, low income, and education are the main reasons for the vicious circle of poverty. Since the establishment of the organization, we have continued to support the people living in the most remote and geographically challenged districts of Nepal. This year we worked with the six most remote areas of Mugu, Humla, Bajura, Sindhupalchok, Gorkha, and Kathmandu valley, with essential health, livelihood, and education supports and additionally, to support people living with disabilities in the areas of Mornag, Makwanpur, and Kailali districts in Nepal.
Annual Report 2019 – 2020
PHASE Nepal believes that poor health, low income, and education are the main reasons for the vicious circle of poverty. Since the establishment of the organization, we have continued to support the people living in the most remote and geographically challenged districts of Nepal. This year we worked with the five most remote areas of Mugu, Humla, Bajura, Sindhupalchok, Gorkha, and Kathmandu valley, with essential health, livelihood, and education supports and additionally, research works to strategically support the project interventions.
Annual Report 2018 – 2019
PHASE Nepal has been implementing 24 projects successfully this fiscal year: 5 projects are under health theme, 8 under livelihood theme, 3 under education theme, 6 under emergency and recovery theme, and 2 under capacity development theme. The projects are, often times, funded separately by different donors; PHASE, as far as practical/possible, integrates the projects, and delivers them as Integrated Programme so that people’s needs are holistically addressed. The projects are implemented across 9 districts of Nepal in 34 sites with a workforce of 172 dedicated staff (49.71% female & 50.29% male). Additionally, we are actively developing a research department and is strategically integrating research in project interventions.
Annual Report 2017 – 2018
PHASE Nepal received financial and technical support from PHASE Worldwide (Including funding from The Innocent Foundation, Big Lottery Fund, UK Aid Direct, Evan Cornish Foundation and other trusts and foundations), PHASE Austria (Including funding from Else Kroener-Fresenius Stiftung, NAK Humanitas, City of Vienna, The Austrian Ministry of Sports), NTTI, Global Giving, Lindsay Cooper Foundation, Caritas Austria, NERA, GlobeMed, Doctors For Nepal, People in Need, The Austrian Development Cooperation, Medecins du Monde, Caritas Germany, Himalayan Development Foundation Australia, GoPhilanthropic, the Healing Buddha Foundation and many individual donors.PHASE works to establish various support networks and partnerships with governmental and non- governmental agencies alike.
Annual Report 2016 – 2017
This report has 8 chapters. Chapter one contains major highlights and achievements of PHASE Nepal during the year 2016-17, Chapter two contains a brief introduction of PHASE Nepal’s working strategy and details of projects of PHASE. Chapter three describes community health programme achievements, its challenges and possible solutions. Chapter four contains details of the livelihood programmes. Chapter five describes education programme achievements. Chapter six describes Emergency Relief and Recovery Projects initiated after the Earthquake. Chapter seven describes Staff capacity building activities and other additional activities. Chapter eight describes coordination, monitoring and networking.