Girls Empowerment Programme in Bajura, Bichya.

PHASE Nepal has been organising Girls Empowerment Sessions with girls and boys from Nepal’s most remote areas of Bajura, Gorkha and Sindhupalchok. 

Below mentioned are the change experience shared by our facilitators and participants after the Girls Empowerment Session.

Dhanraj Thapa, Principal, Bichya Secondary School, Bajura

After the training the most effective change is, before the training, most of the girls used to miss 5-7 days of classes each month. This was due to menstruation.

This changes will definitely reduce the absent rate which will support their education.Furthermore, with training as a teacher, I prioritize and advise my colleagues to understand the need of young girls and boys. I hope PHASE Nepal will continue the support the educational needs in this region.

        Yogmaya from Bajura, Girls empowermen facilitator.

It has already been 4 years since I got chance to engage with the PHASE Girls Empowerment Session. After the training, the first thing I changed is myself. It has been 4 years, at my home, we stopped staying outside during menstruation. This is my biggest achievement. We drink milk, curd and share bedroom.

             Jamuna,  Bajura, Girls empowerment facilitator.

As a young girl we followed things we are asked to do. We were restricted at tap, kitchen, certain foods and had to stay outside home. These sessions gave me the opportunity to understand harmful paractices and also share with younger people in my community.

Most important thing , it gave me confidence to speak with my parent about menstruation needs, and gain support for breaking the restrictions during menstruation.

Sharmila  from Bajura, Girls empowerment facilitator.

When we were in school, the main reason we skipped school  was because we didn’t know about Menstruation management. Several times we faced incidents when our skirts and bench were stained. At that time, boys teased us and teachers didn’t guide us.During the session we shared them to make homemade pads, how to adjust, when to replace, sundry and clean them. I feel good to see such good changes in the girls

Diwash Thapa, Class-10, Girls empwerment participant, Bajura

I felt extremely glad to learn from our senior sisters. This was new experience for us. The best thing I remember from the training is management of emotions and being empowered. Which means to stand for yourself, able to speak, completing education, staying happy.

Last year, four sessions of Girl Empowerment Session was conducted in Bajura. A total of 192 (110 girls and 82 boys) participated in the workshop, which was led by local girls’ facilitators. During these sessions, the participants work on improving the knowledge, attitude, and practice in the areas of health, education, equality, and fundamental rights, allowing them to aspire to better health and education while also speaking out against social discrimination and practices like menstrual isolation, cast discrimination, and child rights

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