April Updates: Improving the lives at Nepal’s most remote districts of Nepal!

In this edition, we will share an update on PHASE Nepal’s April 2022 activities, delivering essential services and support to Nepal’s remote areas, which were made possible by your continuous contribution.

PHASE Nepal activity update:

For the first time in two years following the COVID-19 outbreak, a physical reflection and refreshment meeting/workshop was held on 16-23 April for all PHASE Nepal staff. Presentations and interaction sessions were held for members of PHASE partner organizations, PHASE executive board members and PHASE employees (76 staff). The event continued with skill enhancement trainings for the health and livelihood teams, which will promote successful service delivery at the communities.

Health update:   

We have a number of co-funding partners in the health project, including EKFS, Austrian Development Agency, Himalayan Development Foundation Australia, UKAid,  Healing Buddha Foundation, Global Giving, PHASE Worldwide, PHASE Austria, City of Vienna, Rural Access Programme-3, and Go-Philanthropic, who provide us with direct support for access to primary healthcare, essential and emergency services, and community health and nutrition awareness programs. Over the last month, we have been engaged with following activities.

Mothers group on nutrition orientation for healthy growth of the baby at Mugu.
  • During the reporting period, a total of 3,857 consultations (1,621 males and 2,236 females) took place for treatment and health advice in PHASE supported health posts for various illnesses among them 632 contacts were for illness on under five children. 11 emergency cases were successfully referred to higher center like pneumonia, facture, fall injuries, accidental burn case, skin infections etc.
  • Our team is always available to assist with maternal and child health needs. A total of 58 deliveries were conducted out in the 13 health posts supported by PHASE, including two complicated deliveries such as prolonged labor and labor with a large baby.
  • 125 antenatal checkups were provided, and 58 new moms were visited for postnatal exams and given advice on how to keep healthy for the mother and the newborn, including home births, during antenatal checkups.
  • During growth monitoring for children under the age of five, 886 children were assessed, with 108 of them found to be underweight. Children and moms who were identified were given a nutrition package (multi-grains, local ghee) as well as a demonstration on how to make super flour for their children’s healthy growth.
  • We aim to encourage people to practice healthy habits through community engagement, which included 397 total events with 5,109 participants in PHASE community health education and awareness events such as health orientation, workshops, door-to-door visits, clinic education, meetings, and information sessions.

Education update: 

PHASE education projects are supported by Austrian Development Agency/PHASE Austria. Currently our projects are focused in Humla and Bajura districts of Nepal.

Women literacy classes are being conducted in the remote Karnali region, in Bajura district in Rugin and Bichhya, and in Humla district in Maila and Jair. Sessions are led by local women facilitators for 10 groups of 25 learners each. The women learn the alphabet and basic writing and reading skills, maths and essential knowledge for daily life (for example, how to give medication correctly).

Women learning alphabets at literacy class at Bajura.

Livelihood Update:

PHASE Nepal’s Integrated Livelihood projects focus on nutrition for women and children with improved agricultural practices and seed support. For these objectives we are supported by PHASE WorldWide, Austrian Development Agency/PHASE Austria in Bajura and Humla, Schöck Familienstiftung (SFS) in Bhee / Mugu and Himalayan Development Foundation Australia in Sindhupalchok.

In our livelihood projects, activities to encourage seasonal and off-season home gardening and small scale cash crops were conducted. In order to encourage value added farming systems, our teams have provided Kiwi saplings and spice crop seeds and trainings at the project sites in Bajura (Rugin, Bichhya), Humla (Maila and Jair), Mugu (Bhee) and Sindhupalchok (Baruwa).

Bama WASH Project:

Water reserve tank.

With the support of the City of Vienna/PHASE Austria, this project aims to offer safe drinking water to the Bama community. The Bama WASH project is now near completion, with active engagement from the beneficiaries and the drinking water users’ committee. Excavation for the pipeline, as well as the laying of pipe from the water intake to the reservoir tank (1400m) and backfilling of the pipeline trench, have all been completed.

The ferro-cement reservoir tank with a capacity of 20,000 liters has been constructed. The reservoir’s distribution pipe and valves are being repaired, while the water tank’s surroundings are being cleaned. Excavation of pipeline trenches, pipe laying, and tapstand construction for the distribution system are all underway.

Specific projects for persons living with disabilities

To try and meet the particular needs of persons living with disabilities, PHASE Nepal has partnered with ILCL (Independent Living Centre Lalitpur) in the  project “Strengthening and Spreading Independent Living Concept” supported by USAID Nepal This month two Independent Living Practicum sessions for PWDs from rural areas were conducted (2 weeks each), four outreach camps followed by advocacy meetings took place at Makwanpur and Dhangadi, and awareness videos on disabilities rights and services are being aired at the local FM stations. Additionally, as per the project plan, assistive device support, physiotherapy sessions and monitoring visits are continued.

In the project supported by City of Vienna/PHASE Austria which aims to improve the health situation and living environment of persons with disabilities at Bama, Bhee, Dhainakot, Jima, Natharphu and Photu in Mugu; the preliminary survey was completed in all six communities; 171 persons living with disabilities have been identified, further analysis of the data and planning of activities is in process.

                                                               New project launch:

This month we have initiated two new projects:

1) With the support of Rotary International Kathmandu and Kathmandu University, a new education project has been launched. With this project, we intend to improve teacher capacity in six government schools in the Kathmandu, Sindhupalchok, and Nuwakot districts with trainings and support for child-friendly classroom management.

2) With the support of UKAid/PHASE WorldWide UK, we started work in the “Start Strong” project with the aim of “Improving Maternal Health and Reducing Malnutrition for 1,000 women and their children in Bajura, Far West of Nepal”.

Thank You for all your continuous support and trust in our work. The areas where we work are some of the most remote and most insecure for basic essentials in the world. To continue the support for our essential work meeting the urgent needs of people in these areas, please support us via as the funds are matched up to 100%, so we get much more than you give.

However, if you are based in the UK, please donate directly to PHASE Worldwide, to make your donation more effective.

Thank you

PHASE Nepal Team

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